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You searched for: red sox

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A defendant wears Yankees tie to trial and angers Bostonian jury.
  • Red Sox fan portrait show family unkempt due to superstition of bathing during winning streak.
  • Humpty Dumpty tempts fate by sitting on the Green Monster at Fenway Park during a baseball game.
  • After 2004 World Series Win, a Red Sox fan doesn't want to jinx win by changing underwear.
  • A boy tells Santa he got his gift when the Red Sox won the World Series.
  • The 'Kiss of Death' is when Red Sox fans root for the Yankees.
  • The cartoonist updates nursery rhymes for the modern era.
  • The characters from Peanuts get real jobs.

You searched for: red sox